Keywordwatchdog, the marketing conversion platform

For all your marketing strategies



Full project

Project Services

Product Discovery Product Design Project Development API Develompent


Keywordwatchdog is a platform that tracks keywords for SEO.

They approached us with the idea to implement the website, but our relationship naturally grew to work together on the whole platform. Currently, keywordwatchdog is in the process of making positive revenue within less than a year of implementation.

We had several product discovery meetings, during which we captured the client's requirements and desires and divided the work into weekly sprints.

Our Ruby on Rails and front-end developers digested the requirements and got right to work. Our backend developers also designed the architecture and landed on an abstracted API whose only concern is capturing keyword data from our different APIs.

Our front-end developers incorporated React in Ruby on Rails and worked with the Figma design to get it pixel-perfect.

We are thrilled to go live this June and see our software shine in the real world!

The product

Tech Stack

  • Ruby on Rails
  • ReactJS
  • Azure
  • Azure functions
  • Microsoft SQL server
  • Python
  • DJango

Interested in building an app? Email us at